5 essential skills to unlock in early game for The Witcher 3 Next-Gen

The Witcher 3 has returned with a gorgeous look and many advanced options. Fans can once again play as the legendary Witcher, Geralt of Rivia, and follow his quest to find his adopted ward and rescue her from the Wild Hunt. Moreover, the experience this time around is more special.

CD Projekt RED has ensured that players have a delightful run with advanced graphical settings, while also enjoying the content with better visuals. However, the core mechanics of the title remain the same. Newcomers to the Witcher saga who are looking to make their first run a good one will have to be careful about which skills they use their points on.

This article will help players pick the correct abilities for an early boost in The Witcher 3 Next-Gen.

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the author's opinion.

5 top-tier skills to have early in The Witcher 3 Next-Gen

Skills and combat go hand-in-hand in The Witcher 3. Players must unlock a particular selection that can aid them against the monsters of the Continent. While there are plenty that are essential, this list will only include the five most important ones that players shouldn't ignore.

Here are five skills they must pick up early on in the game:

1) Gourmet

Gourmet is easily the most essential skill to pick early on in The Witcher 3. The general-tier choice helps players regenerate Vitality for 20 minutes upon eating food or water. This is particularly helpful while exploring the gorgeous Continent or fighting a boss.

Since players can regenerate health, it removes the constant dependency on signs like Quen. While the Gourmet skill is in use, The Witcher players can actively focus on combat and other signs to give themselves an edge in fights. Gourmet also helps with conserving rations.

2) Strong Back

The Strong Back skill increases the maximum inventory weight by 60 points. This is an extremely helpful option to unlock, especially early on. It helps Witchers explore the world without getting overburdened too quickly.

The increased inventory space allows them to store more essential items such as an extra pairs of swords and armor. It can be paired with an advanced saddle to maximize inventory space. The Strong Back skill is also efficient even in the late-game.

3) Survival Instinct

Another general-tier skill that offers a great early game boost is the Survival Instinct in The Witcher 3. This particular option increases a player's maximum Vitality by 500 points. Needless to say, it saves beginners from the hassle of finding a decent armor early on in the game.

However, Survival Instinct can be replaced by better essential skills that will be required later in the game. A decent Witcher gear can compensate for it with quite a bit of ease.

4) Delusion

Delusion is a skill for the Axii sign in The Witcher 3. It helps Geralt cast the sign without worrying about enemies closing in on him in combat and also increases Axii's power during dialogs.

Delusion is a great skill to have early in the game as it can help Geralt bypass many uneccessarry combat segments. It also provides Geralt with a window during intense combat to back off a bit while he casts.

5) Muscle Memory

Players cannot avoid combat in The Witcher 3. Killing monsters is at the heart of the franchise despite its masterfully written narrative. The Muscle Memory skill aids players in fights with increasing the fast attack damage by 25%.

It also boosts the adrenaline point gain by 5%. This is a great skill to have, especially early on in the game as it makes fighting similar level enemies much easier.

The Witcher 3 players can access all the skills mentioned above in the Character section of the game. Upon unlocking, they can apply the chosen options by dragging them to empty slots.

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