Chris Browns mom is trying to pull strings to make Rihanna take him back

This week’s Star has printed a story about Chris Brown’s mother attempting to woo Rihanna back into dating her son again even after the horrific injuries that Rihanna sustained in 2009 at the hands of her then-boyfriend. At firat, the story seems rather unbelievable but then pales in comparison to Rihanna’s own cousins begging her to take Chris back. Exactly why do both Chris and RiRi’s relatives fail to see what the rest of the world comprehends? That is, an abusive relationship should never be rekindled no matter what. Of course, this story builds upon Star‘s prior theory that Rihanna needs therapy and won’t stop boozing, and the current story maintains that Chris’ mom only wants to help Rihanna, so the only way to do that is by getting back with Chris. Or something like that:

Ever since their tumultuous split in 2009, Rihanna and Chris Brown have had little contact. But it seems the tide is turning. Chris’ mother, Joyce Hawkins, has stepped in the help reconcile the ex-lovers. “Joyce decided to reach out to Rihnna and help her sort out her life — and her relationship with Chris,” explains a source. “Rihana is still trying to blot out the inner emotional pain and turmoil of wanting Chris back.”

The former pair “have connected via text and email,” the source tells Star. Still, “Her management won’t let her meet up with him, because they are worried that he would hurt her again or that her fans would turn on her.”

But Rihanna has been spiraling out of control for months, boozing and bar-hopping. Friends fear it’s a sign of her missing her bad-boy ex — and Chris’ mom is trying to help the 23-year-old get back on track.

“Joyce is worried about her,” says the source. “She knew Rihanna as a sweet, young girl who was more interested in her career than partying all night long. If Rihanna thinks being with Chris will help her pull out of her tailspin, Joyce will make it happen.”

[From In Touch, print edition, January 9, 2012]

You know what? If it takes public image worries to keep Rihanna away from the her abusive ex-boyfriend, then so be it. Perhaps Rihanna may legitimately feel that she’s a puppet of her record company and management, but that’s a small price to pay for not being permitted to fall back into Chris Brown’s arms and being beaten to shreds once again. Yeah, I should be a little more sensitive to the issue perhaps, and sure, I’ll buy that RiRi needs some therapy. What she doesn’t need (by any stretch) is to start dating Chris again.

Incidentally, here’s some photos of Rihanna vacationing in Barbados on 12/29. She looks fantastic.

Photos courtesy of Fame
