Jennifer Love Hewitts size 2 pear ass is hustling for a job

Former Ghost Whisperer actress Jennifer Garner got dressed up to go shopping with a friend on Rodeo Dr. in Beverly Hills, CA on June 5, 2010. Fame Pictures, Inc

This is just more of the same schizophrenic messaging from Jennifer Love Hewitt, but for some reason, she’s really pissing me off this morning. Love gave an interview to People Magazine, all about dieting and body image and how bad she felt when People Magazine put a photo of Love’s bigger, bikini-clad booty on their cover with the headline “Don’t Call Me FAT!” Love would have had a really good point about unrealistic body images and loving yourself the way you are, except for one little thing: Love insisting that she’s a size 2, and the fact that in every interview she makes it clear how much she dislikes her figure by incessantly talking about her diet and exercise habits, and how she dates dudes who call her “Pear Ass” and tell her to go on a diet. This interview in People is just more of the same:

In a world that’s overly focused on body image, Jennifer Love Hewitt is urging young women not to obsess about weight – because it’s simply not worth it.

“When I meet young girls, I’m always like, ‘Just do me one favor,’ ” she tells PEOPLE in its new issue. “Love what you look like right now – and remember I said it 10 years from now because it’s the greatest gift I can give.”

Having already witnessed first-hand how tough it can be to love your own figure – the 31-year-old spoke out against critics in December 2007 when unflattering photos of her on the beach surfaced – Hewitt says she first focused on getting a mind makeover.

“I just really worked on my mental part for a couple of weeks, got myself in a really good mindset,” she says, adding that she was “bummed out” and “had to get over the embarrassment of the photos.

Then, the Ghost Whisperer star decided to give up her beloved donuts and make time to squeeze in workouts during her busy schedule – to get healthier, but not slim down drastically.

“I think I’m a work in progress,” she admits. “[But] I feel it’s so much better than [it was] a year-and-a-half ago, and I feel like in another eight months, it’s going to be so much better than it is today.”

Even with her new-found confidence, the 5-foot-2-inch Hewitt, whose Lifetime movie The Client List airs July 19, still fesses up to dreaming about having a certain body type.

“I’d want to have Gisele Bundchen’s body. Even though she’s tall and skinny, she does have curves … and I think that’s hot,” says Hewitt. “Halle Berry also is kind of amazing.”

[From People]

She exhausts me. My advice to young girls and women? Whatever you do, don’t listen to Jennifer Love Hewitt. Or just listen to the part about loving yourself and not the other stuff where she’s telegraphing how much she actually hates herself. Here’s another question – why a random People interview? Her show got cancelled, she’s not promoting anything. Oh, I get it. She’s hustling the Pear Ass for a job. She needs some work after The Ghost Whisperer was cancelled. That’s also why there are so many “candid” paparazzi photos of her lately. She’s also trying to lobby for the role of Wonder Woman… seriously. Sigh… good luck, Love.

Actress Jennifer Love Hewitt heads to the gym in Toluca Lake on June 12, 2010 in Los Angeles, CA (Photo by rio / Meet The Famous) Photo via Newscom

Actress Jennifer Love Hewitt takes a stroll down Robertson Blvd. with a friend on May 27, 2010 in Los Angeles (photo by: KAT/ Meet The Famous). Photo via Newscom
